Often imitated never duplicated, the Arizer Solo Vaporizer is the ORIGINAL award-winning portable vaporizer cherished across the globe for its reliability, innovation, and performance.
This portable vaporizer is perfect for travel and those on the go. Featuring a pure glass vapor path, this innovative design employs a pure borosilicate glass vapor path resulting in superior flavor and a smooth pull with every use.
Rock solid construction features, simplicity of use, and low maintenance are just a few of the perks you can expect with the Arizer Solo.
- 7- Customizable temperature settings
- Rock-solid ceramic heating element
- Durable and efficient stainless steel oven
- Generous 2-hour battery life
- Easy to clean 2-piece system with removable mouthpiece
- Arizer Solo
- 2x Glass Mouthpieces
- Bent
- Straight
- Glass Potpourri Dish with Potpourri Sample
- Battery Charger
- User Manual